Sponsor a Student

About Sponsor a Student

Sponsor a child to take part in our leadership enrichment programs. With your support, a child gets the opportunity to travel and learn how to apply their greatness.

The activities you are making available for youth are as follows:

Young Scholars Program
-- Summer book club
-- Debate Club
-- Junior Toast Master
-- Creative Expression
-- STEAM workshops
-- Computer Coding
-- Experiential College
-- Museums
43 workshops & Activities | 120 Hours

-- Intergenerational Healing Circles
-- Critical/Creative Thinking & Problem Solving
-- Conflict Resolution & Restorative Justice
-- Reflective Dialogue workshops
-- Roots & Fruits Family workshop
-- Political education workshops
-- Community Engagement (Community Service)
124 workshops & Activities | 260 Hours

Project Rewire
-- Take the Lead (leadership workshops)
-- College Tours
-- Financial Literacy Lessons
-- Voice in the Chamber
-- Business Tours
-- Entrepreneurship Camp
28 workshops & Activities | 50 Hours

Collective Hands
-- Operation D.C.
-- Chess and Climbing
-- Chess and Kayaking
-- Museum Tours
-- Collective Hands workshops
-- International Travel
25 workshops & Activities | 264 Hours